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Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Notes
Kerry Schoolboy/Girls League
Friday 13th April
Under 13 Premier Plate
Ballyhar v Killarney Athletic 6.45pm
Saturday 14th April
Under 15 Kerry Cup Semi Finals
Killarney Athletic v Killarney Celtic 11.00am
Under 13 Girls Kerry Cup Semi Final
Listowel v Killarney Athletic 1.30pm
Under 14 Premier
Kingdom Boys v Killarney Athletic TBC
Under 16 Cup
Killarney Athletic 3 Killorglin 2
Scorers for Athletic were Chris O’Meara 2 and Dylan O’Sullivan 1. Man of the Match Johnny O’Leary.
Under 14 League
Killarney Athletic 2 Park 2
Under 14s were at home to the Park on Saturday in what was a thrilling game which ended 2 goals each a game which Athletic should have won. Athletic took the lead through a well taken goal by Kieran Kennedy who had a fine game on his debut for the under 14s. In fact 5 under 13s started for Athletic in this game and all played well. Hard to pick man of the match but Sean Courtney playing right back starred for Athletic and was not fazed by playing at a higher age group. As did Lorcan MacMonagle playing at left back. Neilu Doherty had a great game in goal and was unlucky for the Park’s equalizer. Athletic went ahead when super sub Dan O’Brien scored one of the best goals I have ever seen from 25 yards with a well taken volley. A good result by a very young team led by David Naughton Captain. Also good for Athletic were Mark O’Shea, David Naughton, and Michael Potts.
Race Night Tonight
Killarney Athletic is hosting a race night tonight in Scott’s Hotel. Everyone welcome, your support would be greatly appreciated.
Congratulations: To Brian O’Reilly and his Wife Niamh on the birth of their baby Girl.
Killarney Athletic Website: Please check the website on or facebook for match reports, club information and contact details.
Club Merchandise:
Killarney Athletic merchandise now on sale at Killarney Trophy Centre, 1st Floor. Amber Petrol Station/Carry Out, Muckross Road/Ross Road. Gift vouchers also available.
If anybody has a copy of Athletic’s 25 year celebration tape please contact Don O’Donoghue on 086 1234610.
Contact: If you have anything to add to Killarney Athletic A.F.C. notes please contact Mary McCarrick on 087 7750773 or

This entry was posted on Friday, April 13th, 2012 at 4:53 pm and is filed under Club Notes.