Child Welfare Course

A vital ingredient to being a coach or helper at Killarney Athletic. Contact Geraldine Nagle or for further information.

Basic Awareness Child Welfare Workshop ,
Date ; Thursday 13th July 2017
Time ; 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Venue ; Mounthawk Park Tralee ,

If any club in the Kerry District League or the Kerry Schoolboys/girls have Managers, Coaches or anyone else dealing with children under 18 they must complete the Child Welfare Course. This includes all coaches or anyone involved in Summer Camps for clubs .
As this is now law it is every clubs responsibility to make sure all people working with children are Garda Vetted and have the Child Welfare Course done .

This course educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of all children under 18 involved in football.
This is a mandatory course for any person working or volunteering with children in football in any capacity.
Any queries please contact the KDL Child Welfare Officer Geraldine Nagle on 087-6123512 .

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