Fixtures for next weekend
Denny Kerry District League Fixtures
Golf Hotel Youths League
2-00 Listowel Celtic v Park
2-00 Mastergeeha v Kill Ath
2-00 Lisselton Rvs v Dingle Bay Rvs
2-00 Fenit Samphires v Shannon Wnd
Oscar Traynor Cup Friendly
6-00 Kerry DL v UCC
New manager of the Kerry Oscar Traynor Cup team, Timmy Lynch will hold his first training session at Mounthawk Park on Friday next September 24th at 7pm sharp. This will be followed on Saturday by a very prestigious friendly game against Munster senior league outfit, UCC at Mounthawk Park at 6pm.
*UNDER 13 LEAGUE**Under 13 Premier
**1:15pm Killarney Celtic v. Listowel Celtic
**110:30am Dingle v. St Brendans Park
**10:30am Kingdom Boys v. Killarney Athletic*
*Under 13 Division 2*
*12:45p Killarney Athletic b v. Listowel b*
*11:45am Killorglin b v. Killarney Celtic b*
*11:45am St Brendan Park b Kingdom Boys b*
*Under 15 Division 1A**11am Clanmaurice v. Killarney Athletic
**1:15p Killorlgin v. Interkenmare*