7 A Side Tournament 2012

Week Five:  Finals!!!:)

Charlie’s Bar crowned  Premier 7 a Side Champions 2012. Well done lads! See reports on games below: 

7 A Side Finals Reports 2012 

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Finals Fixtures



Week Four

Results Week Four

Semi finals in Premier, Reserve & Over 35s this week!

Fixtures Week Four


Week Three

Photo Gallery: http://www.killarneyathletic.com/7-a-side-tournament-2012-gallery/


Results Week Three 


See the draw for the next rounds below. Some interesting clashes!

Fixtures Week Three


Week Two

Draw for the next round tonight in Scotts @ 10pm.

Results Week Two

Fixtures Week Two


Week One 

Results week 1

Killarney Athletic 7 A Side 2012 Groups

Killarney Athletic 7 A Side Tournament 2012 Fixtures Weeks 1 & 2


7 A Side Entry Forms are now available for the SENIOR AND OVER 35 tournaments: see below.

The underage dates will be confirmed in due course.

Entry forms for the Senior and Over 35  tournaments are now available and can be accessed by clicking on the link below:



Forms are also available in  Killarney Credit Union Beech Rd. and Park Rd. and in Scotts Bar:


For more information click on the link below:
