latest notes

Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Notes
Under 16
Best of luck to the under 16 team tonight in the cup final against Killarney Celtic.
Killarney Athletic A.F.C. Annual 7 A Side
7 A side information will be available in the next issue.
Underage Presentations
Underage presentation end of year. Players if thwarting year takes place on May 30th in the Dromhall Hotel.
Killarney Athletic Website: Please check the website on or facebook for match reports, club information and contact details.
Club Merchandise:
Killarney Athletic merchandise now on sale at Killarney Trophy Centre, 1st Floor. Amber Petrol Station/Carry Out, Muckross Road/Ross Road. Gift vouchers also available.
Contact: If you have anything to add to Killarney Athletic A.F.C. notes please contact Mary McCarrick on 087 7750773 or

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 12:18 pm and is filed under Club Notes.