Underage Awards Night 2012

Congratulations to all the underage players who were presented with Player of the Year awards last Thusday night. Elaine Galvin girls under 13, Ian Prendergast boys under 11, Liam Curran boys under 12, Michael Pierce boys under 14, Michael Potts boys under 13, Adam O'Shea boys under 15 and Danny Healy boys under 16.

Best  of luck also  to David Naughton and Billy Courtney in the Kennedy Cup which will be held in the University of Limerick  from 11th – 15th June.

 Congratulations to our under 15 team (pictured above) who beat St Brendan’s Park in the Cup played in Killarney Celtic on Saturday giving them the double as they had already secured the league. Well done and congrats to Managers Noel White & Ger O’Shea.



This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 at 2:55 pm and is filed under Club Notes.